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MO-SA von 12-19 UHR


Weinbergsweg 3, 10119 Berlin

Weinbergsweg 3, 10119 Berlin

MO-SA von 12-19 UHR


Map.Ache - What Does That Mean 2x12'', Giegling LP 10, 2020

23,00 € 18,00 €

inkl. MwSt. / exkl. Versandkosten

A lot more subtle and mushier than his first album on Giegling, that is the way to go! Music for headphones, not festivals (not the main floors, at least).

A1 Slow Break Fast
A2 Ukiu
A3 Ealth
B1 Channel № 6
B2 Snowisallaround
B3 Ulfito (Version)
C1 Du Bist
C2 Albatros
C3 We Where We Were
D1 Jahreskarte
D2 Remedy (The Green Woodpecker)
D3 Portes