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MO-SA von 12-19 UHR


Weinbergsweg 3, 10119 Berlin

Weinbergsweg 3, 10119 Berlin

MO-SA von 12-19 UHR

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Me ru con

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KLF taten was sie wollten: u.a. samplen, Kopyrights befreien, Geld verbrennen. Und vietnamesische Schlaflieder veröffentlichen. Es ist bezaubernd schön und traurig zugleich.

Hilfreiche Information auf Youtube:

The vocalist is a gent by the name of Duy Khiem, who played woodwind instruments on the KLF'S 'White Room' album. The 7'' version of 'Me Ru Con' was made after there was hassle over the JAMs' sampling the Beatles at the start of the 12''. So they released a version that had no samples on it at all. I have this in a letter from the KLF after I asked why the 7'' was totally different from the 12''. I think it's one of the most beautiful 7" singles I own.

Ca Dao Mẹ Me Ru Con (A Vietnamese Song) A mother sits on a slow swinging hammock; She is singing her baby to sleep. She wishes for the rain to fall From the clouds floating by. The rain would water the rice crops and make them sprout. Sadly she reflects on the state of her country. In her heart is sorrow, For her country is being destroyed. Every day she sings to her child; Every day her child is growing older. She feels her child has a sad future. Uncertain, like a river that is flowing to the vast unknown sea. Her voice, a high wave of sound Is carried by the air. It shrouds the heart of those that hear it! "This lullaby is the first lesson my baby shall have, Teaching with the language of his country. One day he will grow and leave me; He will leave me to join in the fight Against those who destroy our country." She sits like a sad statue, She wonders about her destiny, And the destruction of her country. Her baby is tender and innocent. Why should he have to grow up In a world of conflict, A world in which he can never be free. Performed by Duy Khiem on the Justified Ancient ofMu Mu's 1st LP. Watch Duy Khiem perform this track backed by Echo and the Bunnymen back in 1983 here. From Channel Four's "Life at Brian's" for the "Play at Home"

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